
Sports Illustrated’s digital workflow

SuperBowl 2004: 11 Fotografen von „Sports Illustrated“ schießen in 6 Stunden 16.183 Digitalfotos. Wie die Selektion und Weiterbearbeitung für den endgültigen Artikel und das Titelblatt der kommenden Ausgabe abläuft, schildert dieser eindrucksvolle Artikel:

Steve Fine is looking at two pictures every second. He’s been keeping up that pace, with frequent short interruptions, for over four hours, and he’ll keep it up for three more. Four-megapixel JPEGs of football players, coaches, fans, entertainers, and certain assets belonging to Miss Janet Jackson go flashing across his computer screen in a dizzying sequence.
Virtually the same speed is maintained even when unrotated verticals appear. Fine and colleague George Washington, who is looking over Fine’s shoulder, just instantly tilt their heads 90 degrees and then instantly straighten them back up again when horizontals reappear. Their unison is perfect, as if they’re practicing a little hip-hop move. (And, yes, if you suspect that the pace slowed for Miss Jackson’s appearances, you might be right.)
„Think we edit fast?“ Fine asks, as more images flash by. „I’d be going faster if this shitty computer wasn’t so slow.“ That shitty computer is a dual-Xeon 2.4GHz machine with 1.5GB of RAM.

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